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Ubigene has modified over 6000 genes from more than 300 cell lines with our exclusive innovation
CRISPR-U™ technology. At the same time, we already provide customers with high quality gene-editing
tools for cell or animal research worldwide.
With 15 years of experience, Ubigene has exclusively innovated and developed 6 product lines,
fullfilling all kinds of needs from researchers. Experiment process simplified, efficiency improved,
achieving our aim of 'Make genome editing easier'!
It is a one-stop cell procurement plat-form for scientific researchers, gathering more than 5000 kinds of cell products in 5 categories, covering all fields and application directions of life science research.
Use exclusive Red Cotton system to design a sgRNA fragment knockout strategy
for the LANCL1 gene, clone the two sgRNAs into CRISPR-U™ vector,
transfect the vector into the Hep G2 cell line by electroporation/lentivirus method, use the limited dilution
method for single-cell cloning and use the EZ-editor™ Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (Cat# YK-MV-1000) for nucleic
acid lysis and PCR amplification on the single-cell clones, followed by Sanger sequencing to verify the genotype.
Upon passing the verification, LANCL1 gene knockout LANCL1 Knockout cell line (Hep G2) will be expanded and cryopreserved.